Grab your talent while it's hot

Even or maybe because of  the current economic downturn, the demand for talent remains high on the list of organisations’ concerns.  What is often missed is that those organisations that move now, taking advantage of others misfortune are most likely to thrive in any emerging new economy. In short, now is the time to innovate your recruitment processes, embrace the new and potential ‘game changing’ solutions that will drive your business forward.  The employment market has moved from a scarcity of good candidates last year to a situation where there is an abundance of candidates in a very short space of time.  Those ‘passive’ candidates that people like me would hunt down are sitting tight, waiting for the large redundancy payment or not keen to move to an untested new employer.

So my thoughts... organisations need to take stock now, assess their requirements, look at the potential to invest in candidates that would otherwise not be available in the market but at the same time adjust their recruitment approach to ensure they investing in the wrong areas.

Organisations that invest now can take advantage of the fact there is less competition for that good talent, sure it is more difficult to help candidates make that move but that is where recruitment professionals like me can help.  Investing in my time now will reap dividends when you scale up as we emerge out of recession.

To talk more about this or any other people related topic contact Martin Dangerfield either on 0161 955 3647 or email  As well as being a Regional Director for the IRP Martin is Director of the innovative search business mckinley|resource, a freelance people consultant specialising in talent attraction, assessment and recruitment and a provider of business coaching for high growth entrepreneurial organisations.

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Keep looking over your shoulder my friend...


Will work for coffee...