2010 Blog soon to be available in book form...
... I love blogs. I love the onlineness of them (is that a word) however I also like to be able to read a book. So to satisfy my curiosity about how many people do read my blog I have done a limited run of 'real' books. Ok I've ordered a small number to make sure I don't look daft but if they look as good as I hope I will be printing some more and getting them out to current and potential clients. I have reserved 5 to send to regular blog readers. Because it is a book, you will get more content than just my standard blog and it will cost you nothing!
So if you want a copy, email me at martin.dangerfield@mckinleyresource.com or tweet me at @MDangerfield. I will put the names in a hat and pull out the lucky 5 and get back in touch to confirm postal address. Entries by 31st January 2011 please.
How does that sound?