10 commandments of being a recruiter #9... You can’t have a revolution if the timing isn't right...

che guevara Maybe this is the post the other ten were building up to… that I have lulled you into a false sense of security with short little posts about this and that?

Who knows.

What I do know and so do you, is that this industry we are in is full of sharks and quick buck merchants who so little or no care about the candidates lives they mess with.   It is about lives, it is about people and as professionals in the global recruitment industry we need to make sure that we elevate our industry to that professional status.

There are times when it is necessary to stand up and be counted, to fight against the things that have become so wrong they should no longer be.

It is time comrade for a revolution…

But nothing will happen if it is just me and a few rebels with a bit of a cause…. You see I need you and you need me and nothing speaks change more than a group of coming together and changing the status quo.  I’m not talking REC or IOR I mean real change.  Putting this industry up there with lawyers, doctors, architects and plumbers.  I am talking about a crusade to cleanse this industry of the cowboys and charlatans, a revolution led by you an angry mob fed up with the status quo, feeling that as a like minded group all the effort we put into our careers is somehow worth it…

But only if the timing is right….


10 commandments of being a recruiter #10... It’s your choice...


10 commandments of being a recruiter #8... Never Fail,,,