10 commandments of being a recruiter #7... Reject the mainstream

Reject the mainstream Recruitment and recruiters can easily get stuck in a rut or pushed down a particular path.  In the corporate world, everyone is an expert on recruitment and everyone has an opinion about how things should be done.  Often (not always) these beliefs are slightly misplaced, that how they were recruited at 25 is very different place 25 years on.

The basics of recruitment remain the same.

Focus on an excellent candidate experience and you won’t go far wrong.  Think about their journey to their first day, what obstacles do you face in presenting the job as the exciting next step it is.  You might not get promoted for it but stick to your guns, break some of the rules if you know the experience will be improved.

The candidate will thank you for walking in their shoes.


10 commandments of being a recruiter #8... Never Fail,,,


10 commandments of being a recruiter #6... Stand up and make yourself heard...